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Russian Water Experts Visit IWHR on Joint Research Program
Time: 2014-04-17 | Hits:

Two Russian water experts visited IWHR on April 14, 2014 to discuss joint research plans. Entrusted by IWHR President KUANG Shangfu, Vice President JIA Jinsheng, together with his colleagues of sedimentation and international cooperation, received the guests.

This is a follow-up of the 6th Meeting of China-Russia Joint Committee on Proper Use and Protection of Transboundary Waters held from January 23 to 24, 2014. The two Russian experts are Sergey V. Borovkov, office head of chief engineers, Lengiprorechtrans Company, and Victor M. Katolikov, department chief of channel processes, Russia’s State Hydrological Institute.

At the meeting

Dr. Jia believed a consensus of technical plans could be reached in the spirits of friendliness, frankness, pragmatism and cooperation to fulfill the requirements of the 6th meeting between the two countries, while the visiting Russian experts explained the background of this joint research program.

CAO Wenhong, director of IWHR’s Department of Sediment Research, voiced opinions from the Chinese side about the research plan. Experts at the meeting also exchanged viewpoints in detail.

In the afternoon, the Russian experts paid a visit to IWHR’s Daxing Experimental Base. A technical meeting was also scheduled on the next day.

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