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Nepalese Ministry of Irrigation Officials Visit and Talk on IWRM and Irrigation
Time: 2014-07-11 | Hits:

A delegation from Ministry of Irrigation, Government of Nepal visited IWHR on July 4, 2014 to promote cooperation and exchange on irrigation as well as integrated water resources management (IWRM). The delegation was headed by the Nepalese ministry’s under secretary Kulchandra Sharma, and received by IWHR President Kuang Shangfu, IWHR Chief Engineer Gao Zhanyi and other officials from the institute.

Extending his hospitality, Dr. Kuang said he was delighted to meet the representatives from the Nepalese government, the Bangkok-based Naresuan University and the UNESCO. He pointed out IWRM and irrigation are high priorities of both Chinese and Nepalese governments, and can help the improvement of living conditions as well as economic development. IWHR, as a multi-disciplinary research institute of water resources and hydropower, is the host of secretariats of a couple of international organizations, including International Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID). He hoped the meeting could advance mutual understanding and promote cooperation.

Mr. Sharma thanked IWHR for its hospitality, and expressed his willingness and expectation to learn from China in new concepts, technologies and good practices of IWRM and irrigation. He said the Nepalese government has been promoting the sustainable development of water resources, and is willing to work with neighboring countries.

Dr. Gao Zhanyi, also ICID president, gave a report at the meeting on water and food in China, issues and challenges facing agriculture and irrigation, optimal allocation of water resources, water-efficient agriculture and the expansion of irrigated farmland. Topics such as the selection of crops and irrigation technologies that fit  the local situation, development of irrigation system in mountainous river basins were also discussed at the meeting.

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